jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Post 1: My autobiography

Hellow everyone, my name is Enrique and I am 21 years old. My birthday is on 18th of december and I was born in Quilpué, a city near Viña del Mar. I went to National School all my life, and traveled 45 minutes from my house to the school everyday. Now I am studying Psychology at the University of Chile and the next year is my last year at the University. I have one sister, she is four years older than I, my father and mother live in Quilpué. My hobbies are very different, I like riding a bike everyday, dance capoeira, play different instruments and go to mountains or other natural places. I also traveled as a backpacker through latinoamerican countries, I visited beatiful places in Bolivia, Argentina, Perú, Ecuador, Chile and Uruguay, for different native culture, this experiencie has been very enriching to me. Best regards, Enrique.

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