domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

Post 10: Your Blogging Experience

Hi everyone! I think about my general experiencie writing in this blog that this was very interesting, because I had to think each topic about which I would write, being a change for me write in english. I feel that my writing skills have developed a lot, now I don´t need think so long for write in this blog. I would like to include in the future free topics for development, for don´t restrict so much the writing imagination. I would like to write about differents experiencies in my life, for example when I traveled to Uruguay hitchhiked throughout Argentina and I was living two weeks in the house of a family. Exist a lot of interesting experiencies that can be write in this blog, in adittion of the stories that we already wrote. I think  that this experiencie writing in this blog has reward me very much, improving my skills for writing. I appreciate this opportunity very much. I feel very comfortable writing in this blog and I wait for other similar instance, in which we get out of the clasroom routine. I felt like a true journalist writing in a newspaper. I hope that everyone who reads me has an excellent life. Best Regards, Enrique.

Resultado de imagen para blogger

jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

Post 8: A subject you enjoy studying this semester

Hi everyone! This semester my favorite subject at the University is "Work and social exclusion". The time of this subject is every Thursday since half past two until six in the office 411 of the Department of Psychology. In the class, we sit in a circle with the teacher Gloria Zavala and comments news of the last week connecting the theory with the different news, generally, we talk a lot about of national contingency and our exclusion experiences in the present neoliberal system. Every class is a complete discover about the market work in Chile and their consequences in the mental health of different persons. The main contents that we have seen in this subject are low labor costs, labor relaxation and subcontracting in the era of globalization. I like this subject because the teacher makes the class very funny, she cracked a lot of jokes and made everyone laugh, in addition, the contents are very interesting for me because are very presents. As well as we have a practice work that likes very much because we have an interview with a person that participates in a union space, I really wait to have more subjects like this. Best Regards, Enrique.

Resultado de imagen para clase en circulo

jueves, 6 de junio de 2019

Post 7: An expert on your field

Hi everyone! I feel that my teachers of secundary in general are very good, but specially my teacher of Philosophy mister Delfy Sánchez shown greatness. He studies Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Valparaíso, then he starts teching classes in my school in 2010, and four years later he was my head teacher for two years, at the present he teaching class in a public school of Valparaíso. The reason I mention this particular teacher is because he teaching us about importance of express emotions with my classmates and teacher, for this activity my teacher all the class makes circles with chairs and we sitting in this circle, consequently with my classmates learn about ourseleves. In addition the relationship between us improved a lot and we joined a lot as a course. My teacher understood that it was necessary to learn to live in community. My classmates and me learned very much. To this day we comment on how much we learned with that teacher, for this reason I am very grateful. Once in a while I going to visit him to the public school in Valparaiso. Best regards, Enrique.

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