Hi everyone! I think about my general experiencie writing in this blog that this was very interesting, because I had to think each topic about which I would write, being a change for me write in english. I feel that my writing skills have developed a lot, now I don´t need think so long for write in this blog. I would like to include in the future free topics for development, for don´t restrict so much the writing imagination. I would like to write about differents experiencies in my life, for example when I traveled to Uruguay hitchhiked throughout Argentina and I was living two weeks in the house of a family. Exist a lot of interesting experiencies that can be write in this blog, in adittion of the stories that we already wrote. I think that this experiencie writing in this blog has reward me very much, improving my skills for writing. I appreciate this opportunity very much. I feel very comfortable writing in this blog and I wait for other similar instance, in which we get out of the clasroom routine. I felt like a true journalist writing in a newspaper. I hope that everyone who reads me has an excellent life. Best Regards, Enrique.
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